Is it safe to go horseback riding while pregnant?

Horseback riding is an excellent sport for many reasons. It’s good exercise, it can be relaxing, and it can even help with mental health! However, horseback riding may not be safe during pregnancy. This blog post will discuss the pros and cons of horseback riding during pregnancy so that you decide whether or not to do it.

The benefits of horseback riding:

  • It is a great way to get exercise
  • Horseback riding may help with mental health

The risks of horseback riding:

  • Horses can be unpredictable and cause accidents. This might happen if you are pregnant because the placenta changes your balance and reactions. There have been cases where horses have thrown riders during pregnancy, which could result in serious injuries. Pregnant women should also consider that they will probably need more time off from work after an injury than someone who isn’t pregnant would require for recovery and healing as well as being able to care for their child while recovering from surgery or other treatments like physical therapy or rehabilitation. So it’s important to consider how this will affect your personal life, not just your job.
  • Horseback riding can be difficult for pregnant women because they might need to wear a specific type of clothing that will make them more stable on the horse, such as spurs or leg guards. They may also want to use stirrups, so their legs are in front of them instead of behind, which is how most riders usually ride, leading to decreased circulation.
  • Some people believe pregnancy should stop any horseback riding activity altogether until after birth, with some saying it’s not recommended during the first trimester and others say no horseback riding at any time during your pregnancy. It’s important to talk about risks with someone knowledgeable in both these areas before deciding for yourself.

How to prepare for a horseback ride while pregnant:

To prepare for a horseback ride while pregnant, it’s important to remember to wear clothing that covers any areas of your body that you don’t want to be exposed to horsehair, dirt, and sweat. Most pregnant mothers find the best solution is wearing a pair of leggings under fitted stretchy jeans or pants with an overtop shirt to cover their belly, which they can unbutton when riding for more comfort.

If you’re sitting on the saddle, make sure it’s high enough, so there’s no pressure on your abdomen from opening it up too broad, and if possible, use stirrups instead of leg guards

For people who are thinking about doing some horseback riding before pregnancy:

The first thing those considering horseback riding should do is speak with their doctor since this activity could impact how soon labor will happen due to the position of your body on horseback.

What to do if you fall off the horse while pregnant:

If you fall off the horse while pregnant, do not panic. Instead, you will want to seek medical attention and inform your doctor. This way, they can run tests on the mother and baby to ensure that everything is okay. ( Due to the risk of falling while pregnant, this is why some people believe that horseback riding isn’t a safe activity while pregnant.)

Tips to finding a safe and suitable place to ride in your area while pregnant:

You may be able to find a horseback riding club, stable, or trainer in your area that offers pregnant women and their partners the opportunity to ride.

Visit local stables:

You may have access to different horse breeds and saddles, making this activity more comfortable for mother and baby. Check with your doctor before making any decisions about getting on horseback while pregnant.

Walking horses vs. riding them:

There are two general types – walkers (they move slowly) or trotters/lopers (these are faster). Some people believe it’s safer if they stay on the ground; others feel better walking alongside the animal. Speak with your doctor first! One way to get a good horse therapy session is to walk the horse rather than ride.

Horseback riding as an exercise routine while pregnant:

If you’re a horse enthusiast and miss the activity, it can be fun to get back on for some light exercise. But beware – there are many risks associated with horseback riding while pregnant, including falls, abdominal injury, and potential trauma to your unborn baby; if anything happens during your ride, talk to your physician first!

Why you should consider taking up this sport as part of your prenatal care regimen:

Horseback riding can be a safe and fun addition to an exercise routine for pregnant women. It also makes it easier on your joints because you’re not bearing all that weight.


How often should you ride a horse during pregnancy:

If you are a first-time horseback rider, it’s recommended that pregnant women start by just walking around the ring or on an old-fashioned lead line. Start with just once per week to get your legs back under you, and then work up to twice per week as you feel more confident in your skills.

Preventative measures while out riding:

You can minimize any trauma to yourself or your baby if anything happens during the ride by wearing a helmet for protection from falls and using reins with no knots alongside the horse, so there is less pressure against the unborn child should something happen speed.

It’s recommended not to gallop when pregnant because this will create too much abdominal pressure, which may harm both mother and fetus but can be ridden at a trot or even walk.

Horseback riding and pregnancy FAQs:

Can a horseback ride hurt the baby?

Yes. Horseback riding can cause trauma to both mother and fetus if anything happens during the ride, such as falls, tangled reins, or spurs against a pregnant woman’s abdomen–even at low speeds (less than trotting). However, pregnant horseback riders should never gallop because this will create too much abdominal pressure, which may harm both mother and fetus but can be ridden at a trot or even walk.

Is it safe for me to go horseback riding with my doctor, knowing I’m pregnant?

It is generally considered unsafe for women expecting to continue in their everyday activities like horseback riding. However, women whose doctors have cleared may still want to take precautions to avoid falls and other injuries.

If you’re pregnant, it’s best not to ride alone because of the risk of falling when there is no one else around to help in case something happens. This will also keep your unborn baby from being exposed to any potential trauma, such as hitting against trees or rocks while still in utero during horse riding accidents. Your doctor might also warn you about any side effects caused by pressure exerted upon your abdomen, including nausea, headache, and reduced blood flow–especially if galloping is involved.

The horseback riding enthusiast might also want to reconsider jumping, as there is both the risk of injury while in flight, such as a broken leg or arm, and the possibility of falling off the horse if it jumps too high. Another option is to switch from long stirrups to short ones for pregnant women because they will allow you more freedom and protection on your strides without adversely affecting your unborn child.

Lastly, make sure that all equipment like saddles, bridals, etc., have been adequately cleaned before use to not contaminate them with bacteria which can be harmful to a pregnant mother’s health–especially when she has no natural immunity at this point in her pregnancy.

In Conclusion:

It is possible to go horseback riding while pregnant. However, most will advise against this as there are many risks involved for the mother and baby. It is always wise to consult with your doctor before going on any horse ride while pregnant. Remember, just because you may not be able to ride doesn’t mean you can’t still walk a horse and enjoy the benefits of being around this incredible animal while pregnant. This can be especially beneficial if horses tend to help you ease stress and anxiety. The most important thing to remember is what will be best for your baby in the long term. Often the best solution is to avoid riding altogether while pregnant.