Horse Therapy: Everything You Wanted To Know, But Were Too Afraid to Ask

Horse therapy is a popular form of therapy that has been around for hundreds of years. It’s been found to help people with physical, emotional, and mental disabilities. In addition, people struggling with addiction have also expressed how horse therapy helped them get their lives back on track. This blog post will discuss how it works, what the benefits are, and where you can go to do it!

How does horse therapy work?

Have you ever wondered what’s involved in horse therapy and how it works? You’re not alone. It’s a popular form of treatment that has been around for hundreds of years and is still used today by people who are struggling with addiction, as well as those who have physical, emotional, and mental disabilities.

What do you get from horse therapy?

There can be many different benefits to doing horse therapy! You could gain physical strength, stability, and balance. You could also learn how to control your emotions better with the help of a therapist or coach.

How do I find horse therapy?

You can look for these types of clinics in rural areas and urban centers across America! Many different places offer this service, so you can find a close location no matter where you are located.

What’s the price of horse therapy?

This will vary depending on what type of clinic you go to and how often it’s needed, but typically this service can cost anywhere from $100-$200 an hour. Some clinics offer sliding scales, so you can get the therapy that is right for your budget.

How do I know if horse therapy is right for me?

If you are interested in an alternative form of physical or emotional healing, then this would be a great option to explore! Even if it’s not 100% the answer, it could help improve and provide some relief.

What happens in a horse therapy session?

The sessions are usually an hour long and consist of riding the horses to help get your body back into balance while also talking with a therapist about how you feel or what’s going on in your life. They will use their own experiences and expertise to guide you through this process, getting you back on track!

The benefits of horse therapy:

Some of the most prevalent benefits of horse therapy include reducing pain, a better mood, and the release of endorphins. In addition, this therapy can be good for mental health, including depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and many more! Horse therapy has also been proven to be highly beneficial for special needs children.

Horse therapy for special needs:

Many children who have physical disabilities or autism find that horse therapy helps them gain confidence and work on their social skills. These types of treatments allow the child to be themselves while also meeting goals set out by therapists!

Tips for parents and caregivers about how to introduce horses into your life with children who have special needs:

  • start slow with horse visits, setting up a small meeting between the child and one or two horses.
  • encourage participation in grooming, feeding, or other care for the animal while also getting to know them better.
  • let children have time touching and brushing the animals so they can build that trust before riding!

A person’s first contact point with any therapy is usually their initial visit which costs upwards of $50-$100 depending on how many hours you plan to attend per week. With most treatments, this expense occurs every month, but at least it lasts 12 weeks! Horse therapy is different because there are stable fees involved and hourly rates for instructors (all based on location). It starts around $20 per hour, getting up to $100 per hour for lessons. However, even if you’re not in the market for horse therapy, many other types of treatments such as massage and therapeutic yoga might be more appropriate, depending on your situation.

  • horses have a calming effect without any form of judgment
  • builds self-esteem
  • improves emotional regulation skills by working with horses who demonstrate similar feelings or emotions

Why kids love horses so much, and what makes them such an effective form of treatment for mental health problems like anxiety, depression, PTSD, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and Down syndrome 

  • The more time you spend with the horse, the better it is for your mental health
  • Horses are an effective form of therapy because they’re so accepting and comforting
  • They can help kids build confidence that may have been lost due to bullying or social isolation
  • Physical activity helps reduce anxiety in kids by releasing hormones that promote a sense of relaxation. Horses also provide this benefit through their gentle walking pace.

What type of physical problems can horses help with? learning disabilities, ADHD/ADD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Down syndrome, depression/anxiety disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).


Horse Therapy is not a one size fits all treatment. The first step in receiving horse therapy or any form of animal-assisted therapy is to find out how it can help you and how much time with the therapist may be needed

What are some other benefits? -They make an excellent companion because horses have been around humans for thousands of years, and they’re very social animals who tend to bond quickly with people. Horses also provide unconditional love, which helps those who might feel unloved due to disabilities, mental illness, abandonment, etc.

  • Therapy sessions last anywhere from thirty minutes up to two hours

How does someone start getting Horse Therapy?

There’s no need for a referral! In many areas, children as young as seven years old can start horse therapy, and it’s still beneficial for older children, adults, or seniors.

Horse breeds best suited for young children or people with disabilities are Standardbreds, Saddlebreds, Morgans, and Arabians.

Who can benefit from horse therapy?

Anyone with a physical or mental disability who’s looking for some form of support in overcoming their challenges

What are the benefits to those with disabilities? First, horses allow people to feel a sense of accomplishment, often lacking when they cannot do certain things, like walk upstairs independently.

The bond between horses and humans seems so unique. How does it happen? First, a therapist will introduce you and your horse/horses through grooming them together, leading them side by side, or feeding them carrots. If there’s something specific about the person (such as difficulty communicating), the therapist might follow along simultaneously while talking.

Who is a qualified therapist?

The National Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship has set up standards for certification and guidelines on how to best practice horse therapy. They have certified over 40 facilities in the United States (as of 1992), and their internationally recognized standards require all therapists to be supervised by experienced professionals.

What are the costs?

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer because it can vary between locations and different insurance providers. Generally, prices start at $35-$65 per session, with most sessions lasting an hour or more depending on your needs.

In conclusion:

Horse therapy could be highly beneficial for some people. If you or someone you know suffers from mental illness or physical impairment and wants to try out horse therapy, be sure to research a local stable that offers treatment as close to you as possible. Best of luck to you