Horseback Riding in the Grand Canyon: Answers to All Your Questions

Horseback riding in the Grand Canyon is one of the most exhilarating experiences you can have. If you’re considering horseback riding, this blog post answers all your questions. You’ll learn about:

  • What to wear
  • How to ride a horse
  • Where and when to go
  • The cost
  • Whether there’s a waitlist or not

Where and when you go horseback riding:

You can only do it between September 15th – April 30th, with 60 days’ notice of booking. It’s best not to go on holiday weekends as there will be many tourists around who may steal your spot!

The cost for horseback riding in the Grand Canyon: $225 per person. There is also an additional fee for taking pictures ($50) or video ($75). And no more than eight people are allowed at one time, so if this sounds like something you want to try, check availability now! Finally, please note that horseback riding in the Grand Canyon doesn’t start until you’re at least eight years old.

What to wear horseback riding:

Dress in layers and wear a hat or helmet to protect your head from the scorching sun, icy winds, and rainstorms. Wear sunscreen as well! And make sure when you are trying on clothes beforehand that they will be comfortable enough for horseback riding – many jeans cause chafing due to the narrow waistline, so it’s best not to bring those along with you.

The essentials that should always come with any trip, sunscreen (I recommend getting one with an SPF of at least 15), and sunglasses or goggles will protect you from snow blindness, which can happen on cloudy days. Please bring plenty of layers as well but don’t overdo it! You want to stay comfortable while horseback riding; this includes tights, leggings, long sleeve shirts, jackets/coats. And lastly, make sure to bring your camera!

How to pick a horse?

As for the horse, I recommend that you go with a company with horses and employees who know what they are doing. You don’t want to be stuck on an inexperienced horse or in unfamiliar territory; it can make this experience much more complicated than needed. One of my coworkers is going to be riding at Bright Angel Riding Academy – she’s mentioned how great their staff was and how all the horses seemed very well taken care of, so if anyone is interested in following her lead head over to Bright Angel Riding Academy for more details about their specific trails and availability!


Riders must sign a liability waiver form before boarding horseback, but no medical release form is required unless the rider requests one (riders under 18 years old). This includes children

Grand Canyon HorseBack Ride Recommendations:

It’s not hard to find horseback rides near the Grand Canyon National Park! There are two options that I know about, and either way, you choose, it’ll be great fun on horseback at sunset. If you’re looking for an inexpensive option, then go with Twin Rides. They offer daily tours at noon from their location in Tusayan, which is only 20 miles (32km) away from the South Rim entrance, or if you want more time to spend exploring, check out Lone Pine Stables, where they run 90 minute guided trips twice per week starting Saturday mornings.

Are there any dangers of horseback riding?

The most common danger is dehydration, but if this concerns you, then don’t worry because all tours come equipped with water jugs (there are also many water stations along the way), and besides horseback riding for beginners is about a five-hour tour, so if you’re not drinking enough it could be because you’ve reached your limit.

There are many scenic views of the Canyon to enjoy along the way:

the Colorado River, the Coconino and Hermit Shales (the formation that gave us The Grand Canyon), the Havasupai Reservation.

What should you do if your horse stumbles on some loose rocks?

If this happens, please don’t panic or kick your horse to move faster !!! Just stay calm and try not to aggravate them with a lot of unnecessary movements because, for sure, they will be just as scared as you are. It is best to find an area with soft ground and pull back slowly until it’s safe again. I am sure most horses would appreciate being led calmly in these cases, too, so that they can catch their breaths before continuing.

You’ll be able to see wildlife such as deer, foxes, bighorn sheep, coyotes, and more.

The horses are amiable animals that have been trained specifically for this type of work, so they are not difficult to control or handle whatsoever. I would recommend anyone who loves nature and wants to get close to wildlife without harming horseback riding in Grand Canyon area parks like The Havasupai Reservation (home of Supai village). It’s worth every penny.

Tips for staying safe while horseback riding in the Grand Canyon:

Wear a helmet while horseback riding in the Grand Canyon.

Bring an adequate amount of water and snacks with you on your trail ride.

Dress accordingly, always wear good closed-toed shoes while horseback riding, and remember to wear layers of clothing; depending on the year, certain parts of the Canyon can get hot or chilly!

In Conclusion:

If you are interested in visiting one of America’s most iconic natural wonders by horseback, do it! It’s an experience like no other, and it’s worth the investment to experience so much beauty on the trails in the Grand Canyon. Don’t forget to do your homework and research, and reviews before visiting the Grand Canyon. As many horseback rides have wait times up to 6 months to visit and get a ride, so you’ll want to get on that waitlist ASAP. Lastly, remember to take as many pictures as you can while on your trip so that you have lasting memories of a journey of a lifetime!