Galloping Horses: What You Need To Know

Galloping horses are a beautiful sight to see. It is a natural and graceful movement but can be dangerous if not done correctly. Horses gallop when they feel excited or scared—the muscles in their hindquarters contract, which forces the horse’s body forward with tremendous speed. 

Galloping horses need training before they will do it on command; however, there are some things you can do to get your horse galloping for fun!

When you are training your horse to gallop, start at a trot

A trot is a two-beat gait where you can feel the horse’s movement as it lifts its front and back legs evenly. Next, increase the pace to a gallop by raising your leg pressure so that you are tapping out an even beat on your horse’s sides with each stride.

It is essential to keep in mind that some horses should never be ridden while they are galloping. For example, if your horse has any health issues, arthritis, back problems, soundness issues (i.e., sore hocks), etc., do not allow them to gallop because there is too much room for error. Their body is moving quickly and erratically through space like this.

You may be asking yourself, “what is a horse galloping?” Horses can be described as the fastest gait that horses have, and it’s often used for rapid travel over long distances on open terrain. Unfortunately, the only time you see horses galloping in movies or TV shows is when they are being chased by something scary like wolves or coyotes! But don’t worry because your horse won’t take off if you allow them to run at their own pace rather than racing against another faster-moving animal. You should also know that there are many different gaits other than just walking and running (which many people think).

For example, trotting, loping/lolling, pacing, ambling, and some horses will even do a single-footed canter!


Trotting is the fastest gait when a horse’s hooves touch the ground while walking. A horse will trot if they are being ridden on level terrain, downhill, or with an experienced rider who knows how to tell their horse’s body language and let them know when to invest for a faster pace.

Loping is sometimes called “lolling”  “because most horses’ heads bob up and down in this fast-paced gait that looks like your horse is yawning! Horses can lope by themselves, but some horses have been trained to do so at different speeds, such as running (a full-blown sprint) or more of just a slower lop alongside another animal you’re riding alongside.

Pacing is usually done slowly over fences or terrain that horses can’t gallop over. However, a horse will stay at a pace when they are being ridden on an unfamiliar trail; for instance, where the ground is uneven, they need to concentrate their balance.

Galloping is done by holding your reins with two hands, lifting them high out of the way, so you don’t end up wrapped around a tree- this also protects riders from getting flung off if something happens, such as a sudden stop! When your horse lifts its front hooves into the air to go faster (called taking “air time”), it’s called galloping though horses have sometimes been trained to do this at different speeds like running or trotting too.

You’re not supposed to gallop horses over fences or terrain that they can’t gallop quickly; it’s too much for the horse to ask of them and puts you at risk.

Accelerating at a pace is done by pushing your seat bones back towards the saddle; this will help make against your horse’s sides with more force which causes their muscles to work harder and go faster! However, when slowing down at a pace, you need to do the opposite- sit forwards, so two points are pushing on each side of its rib cage.


It takes quite some time (years) before horses are ready for people to ride while they’re galloping, but when they have been conditioned correctly, it becomes an art form where one must be brave enough not only for themselves but also for their horse.

The safest way to ride a galloping horse is to hold the reins in one hand and use your other arm as a natural form of protection; having it behind you or resting it on top of the saddle will help provide balance riding at speed. To make things more challenging, try balancing yourself while sitting side-saddle!

A horse’s galloping can be recognized by its rhythmic hoof beats that sound like thundering stomps with each step they take; this makes them so unique from trotting, pacing, or walking all have different sounds associated with them.

Safety tip for riding your galloping horse

Only ride horses that are trained to gallop. -Keep your body as centered and straight up on horseback as much as possible while riding at high speeds. -Use a natural arm protector such as holding the reins or use your arms to press yourself against the saddle for balance when you feel like you might fall off of the other side!

Galloping to extended gait movement

An extended gait movement in a horse is when they are galloping.

Galloping horses can be trained by using trot poles, which are long poles placed in the ground and spaced about 12 feet apart. The horse is led around these while being ridden at a regular trot then progressively encouraged to increase their speed until they reach a full gallop!

A common misconception about gallops is that it has something to do with how fast you press on its side, but actually, one movement of the front leg is called a stride; so if your horse were standing still or walking slowly, they would only take one stride per step.

  • It takes up to two strides to move from one foot to another when walking or trotting (the same amount as when moving at an average pace).
  • It takes four strides for them to move from one foot to another when galloping.
  • Horses have a natural gait that is in between the walk and trot, which we call the canter or lope, where they cycle their legs twice as fast as at full speed – this means horses are only taking two steps per stride when moving at an average pace while traveling in this natural gait.

Gallops sound like “clop clop-clop”  “because of how many times the hooves hit per stride. This makes it difficult for riders who aren’t used to hearing horses galloping, so if you’re riding with someone else, make sure they know what’s going on!

In Conclusion:

It’s important to remember that training a horse takes time and patience. Always start with a slow walk and move into a nice trot. Once you and the horse are both comfortable with a nice trot, you can build up to a nice canter or lope and work into a gallop. You’ll be going quite fast in a gallop, so be sure that you are training to handle an animal of that size at such a speed! Lastly, remember to enjoy the process of teaching your horse and enjoy the small victories along the way!