Horseback Riding on the Beach: One of Life’s Greatest Pleasures

Horseback riding on the beach might be one of life’s greatest pleasures. The fresh ocean air, the sound of waves crashing against the shoreline, and horse hooves kicking up sand as they gallop along a beautiful white-sand beach is a sight to behold. Beach horseback riding is an incredible experience, and riders of all ages can enjoy it!

Horseback riding on the beach is a fun way to explore and enjoy nature. And the best part is that it’s a great way to get in touch with and learn about horses. Beach, horseback riding trips are an opportunity for riders of all ages to explore beaches and enjoy a fun experience from atop their trusty steed!

Some people might be afraid at first, but don’t let fear keep you away. Horses are natural and beautiful creatures that are fun to ride.

What to wear on a horseback ride on the beach?

When it comes to what to wear on your beach horseback ride, you will want to consider your personal preferences. Some people prefer to wear jeans or other stretchy pants that are easy to move in while horseback riding; others might want to find long-sleeve shirts and jackets with zippers so they can easily take them off as the weather changes throughout their ride. If you feel it will be cold during your beach horseback ride, consider wearing layers of clothing for extra warmth!

Considerations when booking a horseback riding trip on the beach:

When choosing what type of horseback ride to do on the beach, there are three primary considerations – length, difficulty level, and experience level. If you will be on the beach for an extended period and want a challenge, choose a longer horseback riding trip with rugged terrain surrounding the water. On the other hand, if you don’t have much experience in horseback riding or only plan to go on short trips around the shoreline, it is best to stick with more accessible trails with gently rolling hills.

How to prepare for your horseback ride on the beach?

You will want to do some preparation before venturing off on your horseback ride. This includes the following:

  • Booking a horseback riding trip in advance and researching the distance you want to go, how difficult it will be, and what experience level is needed.
  • Pack some clothes that are comfortable for both beach activities (swimming) as well as riding on an animal’s back. You’ll need shorts or bathing suit bottoms, shirts with sleeves, hats, or visors of some sort – even if just sunglasses! Make sure you bring plenty of sunscreen for your skin, so you don’t get too burned during your ride, and plan out any other essentials such as water bottles or snacks accordingly.

How much does horseback riding cost?

The price can vary depending on where the location is located, but generally speaking, this type of horseback riding can cost around $150 for a five-hour rental.

What should I do if the horse is too big?

Many people are afraid of horses because they’re so large and powerful, but that’s not true! Horses are very gentle animals – especially when they’re being ridden on by someone who knows how to ride them properly. You’ll know you’ve found an appropriate horse when it stands at about your shoulder level when you stand next to it.

Safety tips and etiquette on the beach:

Some safety tips to follow while riding on the beach would be to make sure you wear shoes that protect your feet from the sand and saltwater, to try not to stop in places where people are fishing or playing with their dogs, and of course bringing a hat for protection against sun damage.

Etiquette is essential too! Always remember that a horse can feel threatened by sudden movements, so always stay as calm as possible while riding it. Keep both hands on the reins at all times – never let go of them because this could cause the horse to bolt away. When stopping your horse, be careful about how close it gets towards other horses and riders around you because they might misinterpret what you’re doing, which could lead to scary consequences.


You don’t need to tell the horse where you’re going. He will follow your lead and go in whatever direction he senses that you want him to move towards by how hard or light you are pulling on his reins.

Just be sure not to pull too much on their mouth because this can hurt them, which is never a good thing!

Horseback riding basics – how to mount, the trot, canter, gallop:

  • Mounting

To mount the horse, stand facing it with your left foot in front of its right. Then, place both hands on their rump and climb up using your legs to get yourself into position. Some people prefer to use a mounting block instead for this part – make sure you don’t spook the horse by causing him or her to jump around as they’re not quite used to being touched that way yet!

Riding basics: trot, canter, gallop

  • The trot

When riding the trot, come up into an erect position with both feet firmly in the stirrups and sit deep to keep your center of gravity low. Next, gently squeeze the horse’s sides with your thighs for it to start moving forwards at a slow pace (the slower speeds being more comfortable). To stop while still sitting down, take your right leg off its backside and gently press backward with your heel.

  • The canter

The horse will automatically trot in a small circle to warm up before the rider is asked to jump into an erect position as it does so and then sit deep once more. When you’re ready for the horse to start moving at a faster pace, squeeze its sides with your thighs and gently pull back on the reins – do not tug them sharply or too far forwards! For this motion of alternating, walking forward, and stopping very quickly while still staying upright to take place smoothly, ensure that your grip on both reins remains even throughout. It takes some practice but eventually becomes much more manageable than one might think!

  • The gallop

The gallop is a technique that not all horse riders are ready for. This technique involves someone who is quite comfortable on the horse and is ready to pick up speed. If you are nervous about your first horse ride, it is entirely acceptable to only move at a slow walk or trotting pace.

In Conclusion:

Horse riding on the beach can make for one fantastic adventure! Be sure to book a horse ride through a reputable company with very well-trained horses to ensure your safety.