Horses Eating: Everything You Need to Know!

Horses are majestic creatures that don’t just need to be admired from afar. If you have a horse, then it’s essential to provide them with food and water. Horses eat hay, grain, vegetables, fruits, and poop! Yes – horses eat their poop! This blog post examines what horses eat in detail so that you can make sure they get the proper diet for optimal health.

A perfect horse’s diet is a diet high in fiber from hay, grain, and vegetables. Some of the most popular brands of hay for horses would be Timothy, Bermuda, and Orchard grass. Hay is often given to horses for the sole purpose of chewing on it throughout the day. However, it’s also a great source of fiber which helps with digestion.

Horses eat hay, grain, and vegetables in addition to their natural diet high in protein from grazing. Grains such as oats are often fed to horses because they’re full of nutrients that help keep them healthy, including phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium, among others.

The grass isn’t just what makes up most horse pastures – it’s also what many people feed their horses at home! Unfortunately, no specific type or brand of grass can be recommended for all horses since each one has different needs. Still, generally, wheatgrass works best when supplemented with other foods like hay.

Horses also eat a variety of different vegetables and fruits – everything from carrots to apples! Of course, they usually don’t need much more than what they can glean for themselves out in the pasture, but it’s an integral part of their diet nonetheless.

Some people like to feed horses treats such as bananas or strawberries, which are high in potassium that helps with muscle function, among other things. Just be careful not to overfeed them these types of foods because too much sugar is bad for their health, just as it is for humans.


It’s normal (and natural!) if your horse eats poop at one point during his life: he thinks it might have some excess nutrients left on it, so why not take advantage? However, this is a learned behavior, so if your horse has never done it before, he won’t automatically start. 

There are some ways to get him to stop without punishing or yelling at him. One way is by feeding them fresh hay instead of their usual dry feed, which will make the poop less appetizing since it tastes better and smells more pleasant than dirty old feces! This method usually works well because horses have relatively short attention spans (compared to dogs, for example), so they’ll forget about eating poop in favor of something more satisfying, like delicious green grasses.

Another good idea is putting a rubber mat around his food dish: this discourages horses from trying anything sneaky, like sneaking outside and finding all manner of things on which to nibble.

If your horse is an enthusiastic eater, you might need to use the third method, which involves putting a hay net over his food dish and stringing it so that it stays up in the air like a tent: this will make him eat more slowly because he can’t just grab what’s on top but has to stick his head down into the bowl and search for things instead.

What to do with a picky eating horse?

What happens if you end up with a picky eating horse? One of the first things you can do is make sure that he’s not on a restricted diet for some reason, and then try adding some different foods in small quantities.

If all else fails, there are commercial horse feed supplements available containing more fiber or vitamins: these can also be helpful if your horse has been ill or it’s time of year when insects might be impacting what they eat.

What do horses like as treats?

Horses also enjoy having fruit like apples or carrots as a treat. However, if you have larger horses in size, these treats might not be appropriate because they will quickly eat them and then still want more food!

To keep the horse from eating poop for some reason, it’s essential to make sure he has plenty of freshwater available at all times: this way, his stomach stays full and satisfied, so he doesn’t try to find other things to fill upon.

Can horses get bored with their diets?

Yes! Horses can become bored with their diets, so it’s important to vary it up and keep them entertained.

Other things you can do:

  • give him a treat after he has finished his meal, like an apple or carrots for larger horses
  • offer your horse some hay from time to time as well as grain because this helps make the food more interesting;
  • place different types of grains next to each other on the feedbag, so they don’t get bored with what is there too quickly! This will also help discourage eating poop again since their stomachs stay full and satisfied when given enough variety.

What are signs my horse might have eaten its feces?

If you notice issues such as diarrhea, excessive thirstiness, change in appetite, or behavior change, then it may be a sign that your horse has eaten its feces.

What should I do if my horse ate poop?

If you notice this happening, the first thing to do is clean up the area right away and discourage them from going back there! Then make sure they stay well hydrated by offering water when possible and giving their food an extra sprinkle of grain, so they get enough calories for what little movement they are doing. You can also offer some apple slices or carrots as a reward after eating all his feed because these items have helped other horses who like to eat fecal matter!

How often should I see my horse have a bowel movement before considering something might be wrong?

It’s best to see a horse poop once every day or two, but if they go more than three days without having one, it may be time to take them in for testing.

How do horses eat with their face?

Horses have evolved from prey animals and so still instinctively keep an eye on what is happening over their shoulder because of this instinctual need to protect themselves. That’s why you’ll often notice that even the calmest horse will flick its ears back periodically – it’s like they never can quite shake those primal instincts! It also means that when eating hay, grasses, grains, or other types of roughage (like beet pulp), your horse might lean forward as he chews to allow him better traction against the ground while chewing, which is what you typically see with prey animals.

In Conclusion:

Horses are herbivores, which means they only naturally consume plants such as hay and grasses. They also enjoy eating vegetables like carrots or apples! And of course, a healthy horse will always want to snack on some tasty treats from time to time too; think things like sugar cubes, molasses (molasses can give them extra energy), raisins, mints, or even an occasional carrot cake if you’re feeling indulgent.